Against just about everyone's better judgement, Will sold his (un)trusty 328is and bought a (hopefully) trustier 330ci off of eBay over the 4th of July weekend. It arrived on Saturday, July 2nd, with 30k miles on it, and a lot of dirt. Here's the first shots after it had a bath.
Nice wheels! The tires are about shot, but the wheels are in good shape, with only a little curb burn on one. 17inch!
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Here it is hiding behind the X5. I was trying for something artistic with this shot, but really, I'd say I fell short.
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The interior: Everything is in really good condition - the only blemishes are some fingernail polish on the passenger seat, radio, and carpet. There's a little wrinkling of the door trim where the driver's elbow goes but otherwise no troubles.
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Keys! It's got a zapper built into the key with a trunk opener button.
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Here's the engine compartment - Terry and Will changed the oil on it's second day home. Everything looked good.
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And here it is, after a trip thru the car wash, and a trip on Terry's lift. The vehicle in front is Terry's Porsche 911.
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More shots of ze Germans.
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And the long awaited, full on shot of the car!
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