Gallery:   2005-08-12 Bens Bachelor Party hidden
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*V*E*G*A*S*    *B*A*B*Y*    *V*E*G*A*S*
Gambling, drinking, hot chicks, all you can eat buffets, and the Double Down Dive Bar. Really, could you imagine a better way to do the bachelor party???? While "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" these pictures some how slipped under the customs radar for your VaughnNet enjoyment.  
There's something not quite right about the signage here...
The Luxor, in all it's hotel glory. Our rooms were right over the nightclub, so had we been actually sleeping there it might have been a bad arrangement. As it was, it worked out well - we got a break on the rooms, and could be as loud as we wanted to be.
First night out on the town. Burgers, beer, and a quest for the elusive 3 dollar blackjack table.
Finding our way home was easy - look up and you could see the beacon on the top of the Luxor from anywhere. The bright specks in the beam are bats.
Around 350 bucks and 50 cents a mile you can drive a Cobra around the strip. 500 bucks for a Ferrari, and a buck a mile. We settled for pictures.
You might be thinking to yourself "Will, you REALLY screwed up the focus on this shot - I can't see anything". You would be right, but I included it for a taste of what our first night out in the casinos REALLY looked and felt like.
This is Ben, doing his Dustin Hoffman impersonation (counting cards, definitely… definitely counting cards) and cleaning out the dealer. Granted it was a three dollar table so cleaning out the dealer was a 25 buck affair, but he left the table up 150%. Too bad he was playing with Will's money.
We didn't get to bed Friday night until, well, Saturday morning. There's sort of a big hole in the pictures and all our memories about what happened between 4AM and 7AM, but we think it involved Joel hitting the jackpot on the slot machines, consulting Zoltar the automated fortune teller outside the casino, and dragging ourselves back to the room as the sun was coming up. Here's the next photo we have, as we blink at the sun and make our way to catch the tail end of the breakfast buffet at about 10AM.
We stood outside the Bellagio waiting for the fountian to go off for about 20 minutes. We didn't get to see them, but we did get a shot of the Bachelor Crew.
Inside (insert random casino name here) we stumbled across the exotic car museum. The following shots were taken before the camera was temporarily rendered inoperable by drool.
Lamborgini Gallardo (Spelling?) It's a 300k beast.
Old school Porsche.
Aston Martin
Oh yea, the inside of the Luxor. Its far bigger inside than you'd ever imagine looking at it from the outside. The scale is deceptive.
Random hot chicks showing some love to the bachelor before we took him out to the clubs.
You'll note there aren't any pictures of Vegas strippers. Very much like the Michael Jackson trial, photographers were not allowed. I have included an artists rendition of the bachelor gang being financially abused at the club. After a mere hour, and a three hundred dollar bottle of champagne, we abandoned the traditional bachelor party idea, and headed out for less conventional, less expensive pursuits.
Pool at the Double Down. 50 cents a game, 2 buck beers, it was music to our ears.
Speaking of music, here's the band. They were loud, punk, with a smattering of trumpet. DSC was their name, and there was actually a guy who's job it was to push people back away from the band while they were playing to keep them from getting trampled by the crazy mosh pit dancers.
Locals at the Double Down. We sort of stood out...
The Bar at Double Down. Yes, there was an option to buy "Puke Insurance" so you weren't forced to clean it up yourself, should an accident occur. We were assured that there would be forcing of cleaning up yourself otherwise.
Ben, getting more bachelor love from the ladies at Double Down.
"Erm, I think there's an alien in my stomach trying to get out - it was really nice talking to you, but... urp... Um, sorry, I'll be right back..."

Or was it "Excuse me, I thought you were over 18... I'll just be going... Can I have my business card back?"

Or was it "That's my friend Doug - he has a flight to catch, so I'd really like it if you could help me get all those women off of him..."

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. I guess we'll never know.
Ahh, another beautiful 6AM in Vegas, another 2 hrs of sleep. This is at the Casino New York. Go figure.
Not the strip. Other than that, I don't really know what road it is, but the mountians were impressive.
The inside of the Luxor, again. Really, there's just no describing the scale and "over the top-ness" of it.
You could win a car playing slots. I actually know someone who has. Really...
Looking down from the top of the Luxor on the inside helps give a LITTLE perspective on the size, but it's still boggling.
Here's the crew on our way to the airport, no worse for the wear.
What trip is complete without a picture of Lizards.
2mb movie of the Double Down Dive Bar. If pictures are worth a thousand words, the video should give you a good sized novel.
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