Gallery:   2005-08-26 Flying Planes With Hank hidden
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"Otter" and "BJ" took up Hank, Will, and Ryan (Runt, Animal, and Ace) for the ride of at least two of our lives. We had a blast, culminating in a series of one on one dogfights between the newbies and the Top Gun Hank. Hank ended up putting us all in the dirt, but it was the most fun we could possibly have being shot out of the sky.  
Ok, if you're going to go fly stunt planes in the desert, you can't roll into the parking lot in a PT Cruiser. We had to at LEAST look good, if not actually know what we were doing. So an Infinity G35 was in order. Will's still a Bimmer man and he's working hard on Ryan, but it treated us well.
Day one, pre flight checklist:
  • Coffee - check,
  • Blueberry Muffin - check,
  • Blueberry scone - check,
  • Cinnamon Raisin Bagel - check.
Day one, post flight checklist:
  • Coffee - check,
  • Blueberry Muffin - check,
  • Blueberry scone - check,
  • Bag full of Cinnamon Raisin Bagel bits - check.
Outside the hangar of FIGHTER COMBAT INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, USA These guys ran an awesome outfit, complete with breifing room, pool table, officer's club, you name it. It was all we could do to not grab one of the nice ladies helping us out and break into "You've lost that loving feeling"... Ok, not really...
"Ace" gets ready to strap in and get his game on while Hank explains to Otter that neither of us has a chance.
Who knew jump suits could be so stylish. With easy access zippers, plenty of pockets, and a slimming built in velcro belt, these things are destined to be hot sellers of the 2006 season. Or maybe they just look better on the models than they ever could you.
Hank, asking that they try to 'even up the odds' by putting low octane fuel in his plane.
Ryan's good to go! Queue the Kenny Loggins music, and clear the runway.
Words cannot describe the sick feelings of excitement, apprehension, and downright concern for the safety and well being of your poor unsuspecting target that are being held back by a calm, cool, collected Thumbs Up.
"They have no clue..."
Three victories for Mother Earth later, Hank and Ryan are back on the ground. Ryan's greatest adversary was the Dirt but Hank didn't exactly make it easy to avoid.
"So, are you telling me that even if I jump out of the plane and technically survive, Hank still gets to count that as a 'kill'?"

"...I just work here - hold still while I buckle you up."
"Will's about to dig a hole to China with his propeller!"
"Yeah, I'm about to dig a hole to China with my propeller, but at least I'll look good doing it with these flip up sunglasses..."
Just after take off, Hank took over at the controls, and flew formation out to the 'killing zone'. Will couldn't be trusted at the controls until he was about ready to be target practice, so he took pictures instead.
This is what a lot of the day was spent looking like - Ryan and Will out front, and Hank closing in behind...
Here's a shot of Hank, during the high speed fly by. Smoke's on, and we're doing about 175 miles an hour past the tower. Not to over do the Top Gun references, but I think someone just spilled their coffee. "I WANT SOME BUTTS!"
Final tally put's Hank firmly in the "Top Gun" slot, with a 5 point lead on the closest condender. Animal and Ace never had a chance, but Animal did take home the "G-Monger" (no it's not what you think, get your mind out of the Vegas gallery) award for pulling the most "G's": 7.9 positive and 3.0 negative, and the "Acrobat" award for not blowing his cookies during a Torque Roll, Hammerhead w/ snap rolls, and a full Outside loop. See the videos for a idea of what that all entails.
Movie: This is the Outside Loop and a couple of rolls. It involved a lot of blood rushing to your head (negative 3 g's) and a lot of disorientation at the end.
Movie: This is a Torque Roll and a Hammerhead. While I don't want to diminish the impact of the video, it IS a little more ugly than it actually was since I moved the camera from looking out the front of the airplane to looking out the side of the airplane part way through.
Movie: The high speed fly by from outside the plane.
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