Gallery:   2005-10-02 Tim And Michelle Wedding hidden
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Ed, Jamie, Tim and Will "got the B-School gang back together" and unleashed themselves on the unsuspecting population of Charlotte. It was like a giant Technology Godzilla was turned loose among a throng of unsuspecting CharLuddites. Tim came in from Dallas, Will flew down from DC, Jamie drove in from Greensboro, and Ed made it all the way from Taiwan just for the destruction.

Ok, maybe we were all there for Tim and Michelle's wedding, and we really didn't do anything with technology the entire time, other than abuse our digital cameras. Regardless, the reunion was awesome, the wedding even better, and the pictures...

...Well, they speak for themselves.  
First off, let me say that Tim and Michelle know how to do it up right. The rehearsal dinner was a "Western Style" affair. There was cowboy attire (check Jamie's belt buckle.) There was beef brisket BBQ. There was Western Line Dancing. There was no photo taking during the line dancing. Don't bother asking - there's no evidence. Anywhere.
Tim's dad showed up in true "Tims Dad Form" with a giant cowboy had, and a Texas shirt that was only missing the "DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS" to be complete.
Here's David in full effect. The Reverend's wife is seen here asking "So, where ARE all your cattle?"
The rehearsal dinner was at the place where David's Rotary Club meets. He assured us that all the food was just left overs from the club meeting. If that's truly the case, than those Rotarians are making out VERY well...
Here's a shot of Will, Ed, Jamie, Ashley, and Ashleigh (the Other Ashleigh) after the rehearsal dinner. We were staying at the Hampton Inn, and just down the block there was an awesome open air mall, complete with a Dean and Deluca wine bar. We grabbed a bottle (Or two. Ok, maybe three...) and spent the rest of the night catching up with each other.
Upon returning to the Hotel, I got checked in, and found that Michelle's mom is a planning goddess. Waiting for me was a fancy gift basket and a ton of "What to do in Charlotte" information. In the basket there was a play by play guide to the entire weekend, complete with directions, attire, timing, the whole nine yards.
The next day, Tim won a car.

Ok, maybe not. Here's Tim and Jamie, hamming it up for the camera before Tim heads off to get ready for the wedding.
All the ladies of the bridal party got to cruise around in style in a giant stretch Hummer before the wedding.
We all pile in the car with 20 minutes to go, and start hauling it to the wedding. Will starts getting a feel for how to squeeze every last ounce of performance possible from the OldManMobile Ford Taurus rental car, and throws it up on the curb with 10 minutes to spare at the front lawn of a beautiful church...
We rush into the church, and get in line to sign the guest book. Everyone is just so beautiful, happy to see us, and glowing with excitement.

Too bad it's the WRONG WEDDING.
Jamie graciously gave his best wishes to the bride and groom, the greeter took all our programs away from us (Jamie sweet talked her out of one) and we all piled back in the OldManMobile and hauled it around the block, and found another church right around the corner. Luckily it was the right one. We grabbed our seats just as the last people were filing in.
After the couple next to us abruptly got up and ran out of the church (Who are all these people?!? Wait, WRONG WEDDING!!!) the service got underway without too many other incidents.
Unfortunately, Will tried to be discreet and not do any flash photography. While this probably contributed greatly to a Holy and Sanctified service, it really didn't have the same effect on his photos. You'll have to take my word for it - it was a beautiful service, punctuated only by the sound of the ring bearer's head hitting the pew as he stumbled up the aisle with the ring pillow over his face.
As a matter of fact, all the photos of the wedding were so bad, they weren't even up to the (admittedly low) standards of VaughnNet. So here's everyone after the service instead. Note - Meyer's Park Methodist. Not that other church.
The wedding party all jumped back into the stretch Hummer (you'd think we would have noticed the lack thereof at the first wedding we pulled up at) and we all jumped back into the OldManMobile and headed over to the Charlotte Country Club for the reception.
Jamie and Ashley, just prior to the reception. Jamie still looks tall, even with Ashley in heels and standing on the second step. And was he getting ready to flip Will the bird???
Will and Kristina strike the "Jamie and Ashley" pose. With the heels and second step, Will looks kind of short. But you'd never know he wasn't wearing any socks...
This is some foreshadowing if I've ever seen any. Jamie gets his first of many Merlots.
The pre-dinner reception was set up beautifully, with an awesome spread of appetizers, two bars, and some AMAZING crab cakes.
After appetizers we were all seated in the dining room. It was a VERY fancy looking affair with flowers everywhere, a live band, and more forks than my feeble brain knew what to do with. Ashley and Jamie obviously had encountered this proliferance of flatware before, as evidenced by their relaxed demeanor.
As the wedding party started filtering in, I was finally able to grab Tim's mom away from David long enough to explain to her that she was LEGENDARY in VaughnNet circles for "Tim's Mom's Mac and Cheese". If you haven't had it, you haven't yet fully lived. She shared the secret recipe with me once, but I am bound never to repeat it.
I wish I had payed attention as all these wedding people filed in. If I hadn't been taking all these pictures, I might be able to tell you who all these people are. As it is, we'll refer to them as Wedding Party Couple #1
This would be Wedding Party Couple #2
Wedding Party Couple #3. I actually think that this is Michelle's sister, but maybe I'm horribly wrong. If someone reading this knows who all these people are, send me an email at with the file name of the picture.
Ok, this is Nathan, who used to work with Tim, and the Other Ashley. (Ashleigh)
Here's Eddie, and um, the other 1/2 of Wedding Party Couple #4
Here's Tim's Dad (David) and the Maid of Honor (WhatsHerFace).
Michelle's Mom makes her Triumphant Entrance. The whole affair truly was an amazing feat of coordination, planning, and execution. Not to mention classy, beautiful, and a bunch of other superlatives that I probably would know if I knew anything about weddings.
And finally, Wedding Party Couple #5.
Oh yeah, Tim and Michelle.
The first dance!
Michelle's Mom, looking radiant.
More people who's names were even on the program, but somehow I don't know them.
Jamie tries to help out and gives me the program.
...for the WRONG WEDDING.
(Ok, that joke's getting old, I know.) What might make this funnier is that the groom's name was "Clifton". Ashley thinks that Tonya is marrying up.
Now that's an impressive wedding cake. It was yummy too.
About 1/2 way through the night Ashley looked over, only to find Jamie gone. Where might he be???
Oh yeah, there he is - he must have gotten his Ashey/Ashleighs confused.
Here's Nathan and his wife. His birthday was the same day. Really!
Jamie gets his Ashleys straight and begins dancing the night away.
...And dancing...
Nathan thinks Jamie can really dance well. We'd all think that, except that Nathan and his wife really COULD dance well, and put us all to shame.
"I once saved one thousand children from an avalanche caused by marauding pirates while fending off a rabid pack of wild dogs."

"No, really, I'M the REAL Ashley."
The band rocked. This is the lead singer/trombone player.
And when the band starts rocking out, the ties have to come off...
Here's Will and Kristina after tearing up the dance floor. Kristina used the wedding as an excuse to buy a pair of Jimmy Choo's. Will tried to use the wedding as an excuse to buy new shoes too, but the selection of Birkenstocks at the Charlotte mall was lacking.
The band busted out some "Shake Shake Shake, Shake that Booty" and there was much dancing.
Even Michelle's mom got out on the floor.
The Maid of Honor got up to sing a duet with the Trombonist of "Ride, Sally Ride". She could belt it out with the best of them. Well, except for the lady who sung at the wedding - that lady was way better.
Half way through the party the dance floor cleared out suddenly. Turns out the Rolls had rolled up. We all had to go out for a gawk.
"You know, Jamie's on a liquor restriction. Don't let him near that..."
Will, looking thrilled to be surrounded by beautiful women.
Eddie plays it cool.
Demi and Ashton have got NOTHING on this star crossed pair...
Random shot of Ashley busting a move.
Random shot of bridesmaids busting a glass.
...And more dancing...'d think that people just danced the whole time and never ate... As previously mentioned, I was too busy counting tines to pick up the camera. The tables have long been cleared by now...
"I think I just saw Jamie heading back to the bar again..."
Who, me? I'm right here dancing with Kristina...
Everyone's out dancing and having a good time, when suddenly Will looks around and says "Where'd Jamie go?"
There he is, explaining to Eddie and the Other Ashleigh why he's on liquor restriction.
I won't bore you with that story, but here's Ashley demonstrating why...
What reception would be complete without the whole garter toss thing? Tim and Michelle get that out of the way, although Tim had to take a Mulligan and throw twice.
Michelle turns out to be quite skilled in the reverse layup and her flower toss goes off without a hitch.
The post flower toss mad scramble.
And the post-mad-scramble attempt to snatch the flowers away!
The lovely ladies toast to a wonderful evening.
...While Eddie gets his groove on with the Other Ashley.
Eddie's not the only one getting his groove on!
Meanwhile, Jamie is left with no one to dance with. He started out the night with TWO Ashley's and now he's got none.
So Will steps in to try and ease the pain...
While the Ashley/Ashleighs console each other.
As the party wrapped up, everyone gathered outside with bubbles to send off the bride and groom in style. Looks like Jamie grabbed the wrong Ashleigh again...
Kristina grabbed the Rolls, but was quickly reprimanded by the driver. She apologizes for the faux pas.
The lovely ladies and Ed.
Random party goers fooled some particularly inebriated guests into blowing bubbles for them. Silly people, that's not the bride and groom!
Clearly not everyone was amused...
And some were downright nonplussed.
Tim and Michelle pick their way carefully through the bubbles, being careful not to burst a single one.
All was going well until Timmy accidentally swallowed one...
Somehow they made it through, and safely into the Rolls.
And as the Rolls pulled away, the party goers began making the short trip back to the Hampton.
Jamie grabbed his stuff and headed for the OldManMobile.
The Kristina, Ashley, and the Other Ashleigh grabbed some flowers and stuffed themselves.
...And Will grabbed the wheel, and rocked the OldManMobile back to the hotel. Unfortunately, while Will made sure he was good to drive home, and Kristina and Ashley both didn't mind the spirited parking lot maneuvers required for keeping up with the lead car in the caravan, Jamie wasn't quite up for the journey.

Maybe it was the yacht-like suspension of the OldManMobile. Maybe it was it's burro like acceleration. Maybe it was the funny smelling leather(ette?) seats. Whatever it was, Jamie was last seen that night holding his stomach and cursing Will's driving.
While Jamie called it a night early, the rest of us headed to Dean and Deluca where we got some "Gnarly" wine and did our best to catch up with him.
We tried hard, and clearly made some good progress.
Several of the wedding party joined us, and everyone had a great time hanging out and catching up. We even had a random Charlotte resident stop by to read one of our wine bottle labels to us in Italian, and the drink half of it. A good time was had by all.
When we finally made it back to the hotel, the Ashley/Ashleighs posed outside of their room. We're not sure what sort of use it was in at the time, since it was about 3AM by now, but we were polite and didn't knock.
The next morning, Jamie tries to explain that, well, maybe it wasn't Will's spirited driving that did him in last night. He also tries to explain why he has a black eye.
Michelle's mom comes through again, greeting us the next day with an al fresco brunch.
We bid the Hodgkinses good bye, send Jamie and Ashley home to celebrate THEIR wedding anniversary, and pile into the OldManMobile to explore downtown Charlotte with Eddie.
But not before we grab our stuff from the room, since anyone who even suggested that they'd be checking out late got the evil stare down from the desk lady.
Will, Kristina, and Ed spent the day in an Irish Pub, discussing how Tim's wedding ruled, lamenting how the weekend just wasn't long enough, and plotting to reunite again in Taiwan.

Till next time, peace out homeys...
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