Gallery:   2005-10-16 Ben And Dawn Wedding 2 hidden
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Ben and Dawn planned an amazing weekend in Blowing Rock NC, including nature hikes, Pssegette's Italian resturant, killer rooms at the Crestwood Inn, and to top it all off, a wedding.

Here's the photos of Ben and Dawn's wedding, and the post wedding party!  
The band warming up. (Yeah, that's a Martin he's got there.) We asked for "Freebird" but for whatever reason they did Pachabel's Cannon instead.
Ben, showing none of the typical pre ceremony jitters. He even has the reading ready to go.
The Vaughn men, all dressed up and ready to roll.
The Vaughns!
Ben and Grandma.
Dawn and Joe, also looking calm, cool, and collected.
"You know, maybe I ought to go stand on the altar...."
"Remember the 'I do' bit."
"Right... Where are those rings???"
"You gave them to Will"
"Right then. Out I go..."
Dawn and Joe, heading up to the altar.
Sure enough, Ben's up there already!
Mawwage. Mawwage is wawt bwings us togeva towday.
All levity aside for a moment, Ben and Dawn had a poignant moment of remembrance for Mom during the ceremony in the form of lighting a candle for her. In spite of the gale force winds, the candle stayed lit through the rest of the ceremony.
Exchanging of vows.
Exchanging of rings.
"Ben doesn't know it yet, but I'm not wearing anything under this dress... And it's getting sorta breezy out here."
The bride and groom make their way through the crowds and out to get their pictures taken. (The wedding coordinator suggested they just keep trucking all the way out to the lobby in the front to avoid making a scene with all their fans.)
As Ben and Dawn sprinted away from the press, throngs of fans, and the fall breeze, I had to stop for a quick shot of the reception area.
We caught up with Ben and Dawn on the back lawn of the inn, where they were posing for the obligatory post wedding photos.
It was a little windy out there, as is evidenced here by everyone leaning into the wind.
Once the wind died down everyone returned to normal, and there were some great photos.
Parents of the Bride.
"REALLY? You don't have ANYTHING on under there???"

"Hey, cut that out your brother is still taking pictures!"
We thought that Dawn and Ben were going to "Go long" for the flower toss - they traversed the length of the field - but they surprised everyone and simply turned around and walked back.
"You really do look fabulous in that dress..."
"Thanks, but I can't really walk with you standing on it..."
Ben, Dawn, and a large tree.
"Dawn doesn't know this yet, but I'm not wearing anything under my suit either. I hope my fly wasn't down during the service..."
Whew. All clear.
We returned to the Inn to find that the party was well under way.
Stephanie, caught checking out Will's camera, looks a little guilty.
"How much longer do you think we've got to wear these ties?"
"I dunno, but I'm pretty sure the guy in the kilt isn't wearing anything under there either..."
Ben, looking pretty spiffy in his Brooks Brother's suit.
DJ, looking pretty spiffy himself, samples the chardonnay.
Dawn and Katie working the camera.
The first dance. DJ put a request in for Beastie Boys, but Eric Clapton ended up providing the music.
Joe and Annette hang out with Grandma while Dawn and Ben boogie down.
Ok, maybe "Boogie Down" isn't quite the dance they were doing. Several calls for the electric slide were also ignored.
Joe and Dawn do the traditional "Father of the Bride dance" but still no Beastie Boys.
Ben, showing off his new ring.
"Yeah, it's titanium. ...Right, virtually indestructable. ...Um, I don't know if EMS can cut it off if they have to - why are you asking???"
Stephanie is clearly confused about why we are all gathered here today...
"Can you believe it??? He bought a brand new pair just for the wedding. That's brotherly love if I've ever seen it..."
Will gives his toast to the bride and groom. He also makes a plea for some good dirt, possibly with photographic evidence, for use during the reception in RTP early next month. Email suggestions to
We all toast the bride and groom.
Will presents Ben with his birthday present. It's a ukelele from Kauai with an electric pickup and a hardshell case.
Several people were seen struggling with the decision "Do I pose with the bride, or the Uke?" throughout the night
Ben immediately breaks out Stone Temple Pilots amid calls for "FREEBIRD"...
Dad and Grandma try hard not to grimace as Ben segues to "All Along the Watchtower" done Uke style.
The requisite wedding cake picture. What may not be obvious here is that the cake was covered in obscenely good icing. What is also not so obvious here is that Will ate half of it.
Joel trys his hand at the Uke. Note his excellent classical guitar position, except for that naughty use of his pinky as an anchor for his right hand. It's OK. We all do it...
DJ shows just how cool you can look with a Uke in your hands.
Joel, having wrenched the Uke from DJ's hands, resumes sereneding us with "Tiny Bubbles".
Kristina and Katie resort to alcohol to drown out the music. Actually, Kristina does the drinking for both of them...
Ben, putting the moves on Dawn in front of the fireplace.
Megan and Dave hanging out with Annette.
Ben and Dawn's signage at the Inn. The whole affair was totally pro.
Photo number 487 of the Uke.
Dawn and Katie, looking radiant.
Katie and Rob, looking um, radiant.
Grandma and Kristina, looking at Rob...

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's nothing on under there..."
"Sorry, I'm not telling what he's got on under there..."
Everyone lined up in front of the fireplace for photo ops with the bride. Here's one of maybe 500 pictures I took.
More Fireplace Photo Fun
Fireplace Photo Fun continues.
Even the mother of the bride gets in on the Fireplace Fiesta.
"Hey, do you think I could score a shot with the Uke?"

"Mom - cut it out!"
"Here, lets pose somewhere away from the fireplace."

"I'm still not telling..."
"Honey, I think you need to go get a picture with the Uke..."

"Whatever. I can't take my eyes off that kilt."
"I guess we'll settle for the fireplace..."
...Meanwhile, back at the Uke...
The wedding planner/bar tender/inn keeper extrordinaire. She was on top of everything, and kept the party rocking to boot.
Right in the middle of all these pictures, someone says "Hey, look at that big thing up there" and I dutifully snapped a picture. Don't ask.
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