Gallery:   2005-10-16 Ben And Dawn Wedding hidden
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Ben and Dawn planned an amazing weekend in Blowing Rock NC, including nature hikes, Pssegette's Italian resturant, killer rooms at the Crestwood Inn, and to top it all off, a wedding.

Here's photos of the pre-wedding activities.  
Will and Kristina drove down Friday afternoon to the Vaughn Ranch in Winston-Salem to rendevous with Dad and Grandma Vaughn.
There were pre wedding photo ops on the back deck.
Will got to put his new flash to work, and practiced a little for the upcoming wedding shots.
On Saturday, Ben coordinated a short hike to Linville Falls. Not too many people were able to make it, but those who went were rewarded with this view.
This is a view of water making its way into Linville Gorge through the gap in the rocks. In the flood season, the water was a good 15 feet higher and flowed over the top of the rock on the left.
Here's Will and Ben at the top of Linville Falls.
Ben, Dad, and Kristina get ready for the rehersal.
The Vaughn Men drink their sorrows away...
Later, they drown their sorrows in the fountian on the back patio...
The Bride and Groom, wedding gameplan in hand, are ready for the rehersal.
Grandma hangs out with Dawn's parents Annette and Joe.
Everyone waits around while Ben and Dawn figure out how exactly to pronounce "I Do..."
"I Doh?"
"Aye Doo?"
"Here, just give me the rings..."
After the rehersal, we all gathered up in the lobby (see lobby here) and got ready to head out to the rehersal dinner.
Joel works on getting just the right camera angle while DJ ponders the meaning of life.
Stephanie hams it up for the camera.
"If you post this picture on VaughnNet, I'll make you regret it..."
The feasting at Pssgettes was immense. Will had the pssgette and meatballs, Kristina had the Lobster Ravioli, and everyone had a great time.
Here's the manager, who hooked us up with free drinks because some tardy NASCAR types showed up late for their reservation and threw a monkey wrench (would that be a Snap-On Tool monkey wrench?) into the schedule.
Who knew that this man would show up in a kilt the next day???
"Actually, that man looks like he might show up in a kilt tomorrow... Keep an eye on him."
I would have included a picture of the tiramisu but it somehow dissapeared before I could get a shot.
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