Gallery:   2005-12-02 Ryan And Tracy Wedding PreGame hidden
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In the blockbuster conclusion of the Wedding Trilogy, Ryan and Tracy tie the knot in Indianapolis, IN. These are the pre-wedding photos from the visit with Bubba and Reese to the Rehearsal Dinner, we've got all the shots you care to see.  
You might be thinking "Um, this doesn't look like a wedding, or even any sort of pre-game wedding activities"... Yeah, you're sort of right - this is the John Deere dealer in Indianapolis. Ryan took us on a detour through their Christmas light display when he picked us up from the airport.
Ryan also promised (and delivered) to drive us through during the day so that we could see just how unimpressive this whole spectacle was in daylight. It's all just a bunch of wire frame junky looking stuff.
At night though, the whole thing was really quite impressive. Or at least as impressive as you can get with a bunch of colored lights and a John Deere theme...
When we got to the house, Tracy and the dogs were already in bed. This was unfortunate since we had heard so much about Bubba and Reese, and we really wanted to meet them. However, the next morning, we were able to meet both - this is Bubba.
...And this is Reese. Oh yeah, and Ryan.
And this is Bubba and Reese's house. (Oh yeah, they let Ryan and Tracy live there too.)
This is Shadow, Tracy's parent's dog. He had a toy raccoon that was almost as fun to play with as he was. It made these freaky raccoon noises when you picked it up.
Now, you'll notice there's sort of a hole in the space-time-vaughnnet continuum from that last dog picture to this one of the bar in the Columbia Club. That's because we went to eat at Shapiro's for lunch, and after I ate a massive slice of cheesecake, I slipped into the food coma, and was unable to take any pictures.
This is Tracy, and one of her bridesmaids Paige. Having only seen Tracy with very curly hair, I was not prepared for the Straight Hair Tracy that met us at the elevator to go down to the bar. I only realized who she was when Ryan started hitting on her and she didn't turn around and slap him.
This is Tracy's mom Susan. There's some present opening going on here as well, which I think had something to do with being in the wedding party. Tracy's niece (from the first bar picture) got a pair of Batman Spy Binoculars. I'm a little bitter that none of the weddings I've ever been in scored me a pair of Batman Spy Binoculars.
Tracy and Ryan got some flip flops with "bride" and "groom" on them. Presumably this is so they wouldn't feel out of place when I showed up at the reception in sandals. Someone was planning ahead. Thanks, whoever you were...
After the wedding party present opening, we headed out to St. Elmo's for a delicious rehearsal dinner. There was a rehearsal at some point too, but I think I may have still been in the food coma for that as well. This is Tracy, checking out the waiter from afar with the Batman Spy Binoculars.
Here's a perfect shot depecting what NOT to do with your fancy camera with a big flash: Don't go ruining a really nice family photo of Tracy's sister, her fiancee, and beautiful little girl by obscuring half the flash with the camera strap and then overexposing half the photo. But I digress. This is Jill and Dan, and their daughter Julia.
Ryan strikes a pose with his fashion model-esque (well, except for the whole height thing) bride to be Tracy.
Here's the parent's table, with Hank, Carolyn, Bill, and Mary (Gene's wife - you'll see Gene in the next picture.)
As promised, here's Gene, Julia, and Susan.
Ryan and Kristina, and a giant glass of red wine. (Kristina was being either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid with that white top and that red wine. I'll go with the former...)
Hank comes to pay a visit to Shannon and his wife Denise.
And here's what they were all looking at - the second giant piece of cheesecake Will ate that day.
This is Jason Kerner's decapitated chocolate cake. He only wanted the icing. It was about this time that I began to realize that there was something not quite right about this man...
You are probably thinking "Will, there's a lot of pictures of desert here. What gives?" Prior to desert, I was too busy shoveling steak into my mouth to really stop and take pictures. If you were there, you'd understand. Anyway, this is Kristina's Creme Brule.
About 1/2 way through desert, Ryan leapt up and said "HEY THAT'S MARVIN!!!" and ran out of the room. I'm not really sure who this Marvin guy is, or why Ryan was so intent on running him down, but he managed to secure a personalized autograph for Paige. I think I also heard Marvin was doing good things for the Indiana Colts the day after the wedding.
Hank savors his champange just after Will and Kristina's toast.
Here's a picture of Will after Kristina stapled a board stapled to his back.
Hank and Carolyn looking like proud parents.
Tracy, hanging out with Mary and Susan, and being good sports about this whole photography thing.
By request, I give you the Tennis Jacket.
Ryan looking "Calm Cool and Collected" during the rehearsal dinner.
Lisa demonstrates the right way to handle wedding functions.
If it weren't for the hood, it might just work...
I honestly don't remember this picture being taken. I think I must have been trying to give a speech or something. Can someone tell me what I said?
The Gallmeyer ladies pose with the new addition to the family.
Will hams it up for the camera with his new sister-in-law-in-law.
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"I saw you checking out my moose... Don't deny it..."
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