Gallery:   2005-12-03 Ryan and Tracy Wedding hidden
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There's about 100 photos of Ryan and Tracy's wedding in this gallery. If you're loading up the pictures on a dialup connection, you might just want to click on the first one, then page through them using the "next" button, otherwise you may be sitting here for a while. Yeah, the wedding was THAT good. Enjoy.  
Ryan gets the altar ready for the service.
Tracy getting suited up for the big event.
"Do you have a Kleenex?"
"No, here, use this..."
"I feel fabulous!"
"Tell him if he puts that last picture on VaughnNet, I'll kick his ass."
The lovely Gallmeyer Sisters!
"Do you think anyone would notice if I just skipped the shoes?"
"Look, I left the sandals at home - the least you can do is ditch the socks..."
Kristina and Paige pose for the camera.
Mother of the bride, doing mother-of-the-bridely things.
Paige second guessing the mother of the bride...
Meanwhile, back in the chapel, Ryan is getting his photo taken, over, and over, and over again...
"Don't I look cool with this giant Roman Candle looking thing coming out of my head???"
"Can we just cut to the chase - Is there anywhere to get a drink around here?"
No kidding - the photographer enlisted Ryan's groomsmen to come and hold up a big black felt sheet behind him so that we could get this shot. At first the groomsmen wanted to stand in front of the sheet, but the photographer put a stop to that pretty quickly...
Ryan and company trying to sneak a peek at the bride...
Father and Son. And some spooky looking shadows.
You'd never know it took Kristina and Lisa 5 minutes worth of messing around with Carolyn's shaw to get this pose!
...Meanwhile Susan is also getting ready for her moment in the spotlight...
The whole Groom's family. Obviously Will didn't take this photo, so if it looks sub par, blame the REAL photographer.
Believe it or not, this photo did NOT require 5 minutes of Shaw Work. Clearly she's a natural!
Smiling Siblings. You'd never know that Ryan is twisting both their arms and saying "Who's the greatest???" through his gritted teeth.
"Ok, this whole photo thing is getting old. Did Hank and Bill ever find the bar in this place?"
"Nope, not here..."
Ryan was banished from the chapel while Tracy came in for her photos. Somehow he managed to amuse himself in the back room...
If it weren't for the brown carpet, this could be a red carpet photo.
You can't tell, but Will is even wearing socks. Really.
Ryan, hamming it up with the Mothers.
"Hey, don't go picking that up TOO high back there Paige!"
"Don't worry, I've got everything under control. Really."
"Ok, no stopping to chat though - we've got pictures to take!"
The radiant bride!
"Are you ready to carry up the flowers?"
"Well, I'm plotting out my game plan back here. I'm thinking I'll hook left, then go long."
"Ok I'm taking a lot of these photos, and someone's going to have to put captions to all of them. Could you at least do something funny, or stupid, or anything other than just standing there and looking fabulous so that I have something else to write about???"
The bride and bridesmaids and some flowers.
The bride, bridesmaids, and the flower girl. Note how happy she looks holding that big basket of flowers - she has analyzed the situation, plotted out her strategy, and now it all comes down to execution.
"I think I forgot to put on deoderant... Yep, I may knock out Ryan at the altar..."
"Ok, lets do some sitting down shots - these shoes are killing me."
"It's great to take a load off."
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"Can you find the closest bar with that thing?"
"No, but I CAN get you the Colt's score."

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Ok, skipping ahead some, here's the recently wedded bride and groom, beaming in front of the giant Christmas tree in the Columbia Club at the reception.
Here's Ryan looking downright evil in front of the giant Columbia Club fire place.
The fancy wedding cake. Ryan and Tracy staged a fake cutting for the wedding photographer, leaving the real cutting to yours truly. Funny how none of the cutting pictures turned out all that well.
Paige gets ready to give her toast.
Bill delivers his toast.
More toasting.
"...Gotta go."
Additional toastage.
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