Gallery:   2006-06-05 Ben And Dad Back Yard Improvements hidden
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Ben and Dad came up to visit the Vaughn Ranch for Memorial day. Little did they know, the only memories they'd go home with were their sore backs.  
The flora and fauna in the Vaughn back yard trembles in fear of the home "improvements" to come. The really big dump truck carrying some 6 tons of rocks might have had something to do with it.
Day one, weedwack a big circle in the back yard, break the tiller on the hard dirt trying to clear it some more, run the hose on the resulting mess to make it muddy, then take a 4x4 to whomp down the dirt. Done.
Day 2: Encircle the thing with rocks, put weeblock down, and put entirely too little sand into the hole. Unleash the dogs.
Day 3: Put pavers in, get the slaves to move the pile of rocks inside the fence.
Day 3: Sara supervises the work.
The slaves (Ben and Dad) hard at work.
The finished product!
More flora and fauna in the back yard. No eggs were harmed in the making of the patio.
Another view of the final product, from above.
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